Kanye West

Kanye West

Monday, November 7, 2011

Lady Gaga

This picture shows Lady Gaga with her holding the sign of the Illuminati upon her eye in her video "Poker Face"

Lady Gaga grew up in the Pythian Temple in New York City, which is full of Egyptian and occult symbols. This Pythian Temple is a historic Knights of Pythias, which was built in 1927. This Temple was built to serve as a meeting place for the Pythian secret society. The pythians were a fraternal ogranization that was founded in Washington, D.C.

In Lady Gaga's videos she always does demonic things. She has lots of symobls that resemble the illuminati all throughout the video. In her video Bad Romance she has her hair shaped like horns on the side of her head. Also in this video she has three bottles with Egyptian triangles on them. This video is full of illunminati signs that i may point out to you. As the video goes on there are white coffin like items that Gaga and a few others pop out of and as she pop out of it she throws up signs with her hands really quick you have to watch closely. After that scene she is dressed in all black in front of a mirror. Lady Gaga is very obessessed with devil like things. when Lady Gaga was in the room walking up to this man sitting down a fire starts to arise. This is another sign of the devil that people dont notice. To watch this video go to youtube.com and type in bad romance and go to the first video and watch this video closely.

Lady Gaga's video "Poker Face" is bascially showing how gambling can become serious. Gambling is a sign of money, which these illuminati involvments take very serious. This video doesnt show much demonic things as Bad Romance does. When you play "Paparazzi" backwards it says demonic things about Lucifer, which is the devil she says "Lucifer i want to be with me", This rapper/singer is outrageous and her songs prove it.

Jay Z is connected to the illuminati, which is a secret devil worshiping group that talks about devil like things in their songs and people don't notice it.

Jay Z holding up the "Hov" sign

                                                         Jay Z and the illuminati

Thursday, November 3, 2011


Rihanna and Connection with Illuminati

Rihanna is very a pretty young lady, who is great artist. But i am totally against the fact that basically Jay Z convinced her into being in the Illuminati since she looks up to him as a father figure. She is very close with Jay Z and in her videos has devil like ways as well as her father figure. Rihanna died her hair all red, which is fierce and cute but has a connection with fire. Fire is a symbol of the Illuminati if anyone noticed. She seems as if she is a nice person and yet she begins to let this devil like group take over her life. I'm against the fact that people get involved with these things because it ruins your life down the line. But they look at it as a huge help with their career. In alot of her songs she does devil like things. For example in "What's my name?" she spins in circles which is a huge symbol that connects with the devil. She also wears dark clothing such as black. In this song she doesn't say anything demonic but the atmosphere of video and where it takes place is very devil like. Her song "Disturbia" played backwards she says "I needa rest" "I'm up" "That was sunny". she says lots of demonic things all throughout the songs but when you listen to it the regular way she says nothing about satin, but yet the atmosphere is very dark and you see fire and other devil like things. She spins in circles in a chair again like in "What's my name?"

P Diddy life with Illuminati

Sean Combs, known as Diddy joined the Alpha Phi Alpha when he was attending Howard Unviersity. This is faternity wears all black and is in connection with the illuminati. Puffy is an Alpha (Boule) and they protect their own. In his song"Hello goodmorning" everybody was dressed in black and fireworks were going off in the background, which is a symbol of Illuminati. In his song "Coming home" he says "he feels there is nothing he can't try". Thats why he tried Illuminati. Also in this song he mentions that he need to get back to the place he left lone. In this song he mention that he wish he could of too the bullet or Biggie because he knows its his fault why he's dead. He is lso dressed in all black with smoke in his background this symbolizes the devil.